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  • Semimasca pliabila de protectie respiratorie 3M Aura FFP2 9320+ GT500073173

    18,80 RON

    Asigura protectie la pulberi si aerosoli, este pliabila, se ambaleaza individual sibeneficiaza de design ingenios in 3 segmente. Nu este dotata cu supapa de expiratie. Datorita tehnologiei inovative 3M, masca permite o respiratie usoara, cu efort redus.

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  • Semimasca de protectie respiratorie cu supapa, 3M 8812

    18,45 RON

    Echipamentul asigura protectie eficienta impotriva particulelor fine, pulberilor si a aerosolilor. Are forma convexa, invelisul interior este durabil si rezistent la impact, iar supapa de expiratie (Cool Flow) reduce acumularea caldurii/condensului. Nivel de protectie: FFP1.

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  • 3M Masking Tape 201E

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    3M Masking Tape 201E is a simple adhesive masking tape for universal indoor use. It is used in light-medium conditions, lasts up to 80 °C and has good fastening power. 3M Masking Tape 201E is an excellent solution for labelling, identification and baling.

  • 3M General Purpose Masking Tape 101E

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    3M General Purpose Masking Tape 101E  is a simple adhesive PREMIUM tape, ideal for protecting surfaces when painting, but also for sealing, baling and labelling. The tape has rubber adhesive that guarantees a quick adhesion, resistance to peeling. Only for indoor applications.

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    Kit Viziera 250 (10 bucati)

    38,67 RON

    Viziera 250 este confortabila si usoara, acopera complet fata si se utilizeaza pentru un plus de protectie. Previne contactul direct cu fluide precum si atingerea involuntara a fetei, ochilor, nasului si gurii. Design-ul permite utilizarea vizierei peste masca. Poate fi dezinfectata cu alcool sanitar. Se asambleaza usor cu ajutorul clemelor disponibile in kit.

    Pret/bucata: 10.52 lei. 

    Comanda minima: 10 bucati.

    Se ambaleaza in pungi a cate 5 bucati.

    Produs disponibil in stoc!

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    Banda Cupru SCUT 36 6,5 MM x 33 m (1 roll)

    46,12 RON

    Cupru SCUT 36 is a simple adhesive tape with conductive acrylic adhesive. Recommended for printed circuits, electrical transformers, etc.

  • 3M Double Coated Tissue Tape 90775

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    3M Double Coated Tissue Tape 90775 is a tissue tape with both side with a high adhesion acrylic pressure sensitive adhesive. 90775 provides excellent initial tack and adhesion to a wide variety surface including many low surface energy plastics.

  • 3M Double Coated Polyethylene Foam Tape 8610W

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    3M Double Coated Polyethylene Foam Tape 8610W is a white double coated closed-cell polyethylene foam tape with acrylic adhesive and white paper liner. It is used for indoors and outdoors on a wide range of surfaces (aluminum, glass, plastics, signage, interior and exterior design) slightly porous and irregular.

  • 3M Double Coated Tissue Tape 9448A

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    3M Double Coated Tissue Tape 9448A is an excellent double-sided adhesive tape for applications where a firm connection, additional stability and ease of handling and conversion are required. It is applied on a wide range of substrates. It also offers an excellent surface for cutting and rolling. The acrylate adhesive is formulated for a high initial adhesion, it sticks well even on stainless steel and polyethylene. It is used in construction, manufacturing processes, arts and hobbies.

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    3M VHB Tape GPH-160GF

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    3M VHB Tape GPH-060GF is a double-sided adhesive tape designed for strong permanent adhesives that successfully replace traditional adhesive elements such as liquid adhesives, screws, rivets, etc.

  • 3M Scotch Filament Tape 8915

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    3M Scotch Filament Tape 8915 is a high-performance transparent tape reinforced with continuous high strength glass laments, excellent abrasion, moisture, and scuff resistance. Designed to hold appliance parts together during manufacture and shipping. Adhesive offers clean removal and stain resistance on some finishes.

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    3M VHB Tape GPH-060GF

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    3M VHB Tape GPH-060GF is a double-sided adhesive tape designed for strong permanent bonding that successfully replace traditional adhesive elements such as liquid adhesives, screws, rivets, etc.

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    TESAFLEX 60760 Marking Tape (White, Blue, Yellow, Black/Yellow, Red, Green)

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    TESAFLEX 60760 Marking Tape is used for marking (temporary) emergency and warnings. Tesaflex 60760 is a resistant plasticized PVC tape,with an aggressive modified rubber resin adhesive that allows adhesion to many different surfaces. Suitable for rough surfaces.

  • 3M General Purpose Vinyl Tape 764 Yellow

    40,36 RON

    3M General Purpose Vinyl Tape 764 Yellow este o banda de vinil flexibila, durabila si usor de aplicat pentru identificare si semnalizare de securitate.

  • 3M Hazard Marking Vinyl Tape 766 Yellow/Black 1244MMX33M

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    3M Hazard Marking Vinyl Tape 766 Yellow/Black is a general purpose tape with vinyl support. It can be used in various applications such as marking traffic routes in warehouses and production halls, marking exits and access roads, etc. 

  • 3M Vinyl Tape 471 Blue

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    3M Vinyl Tape 471 Blue is a simple adhesive vinyl tape used for masking in the process of painting, marking applications, color coding, joining, etc. The tape has rubber adhesive, high resistance to weather, abrasion and solvents. Apply easily and quickly on a variety of surfaces.

  • 3M Aluminum Foil Tape 425

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    3M Aluminum Foil Tape 425 is a simple premium adhesive tape, recommended for the automotive industry, aerospace, home appliances, etc. for processes such as: sealing, masking, patching, mechanical support, induction both on the outside and inside. It benefits from synthetic acrylic adhesive that guarantees a strong, long-lasting bonding. Temperature Use Range: -65°F to 300°F (-54°C to 149°C).

  • Tesa® 50600 Standard Green polyester masking tape

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    Tesa® 50600 Standard Green Polyester Masking Tape is a masking tape with polyester support and silicone adhesive. The tape has good resistance to high temperatures of up to 220°C. It is easy to apply and remove (do not leave traces of adhesive). It is mainly used for masking areas that do not want to be covered during the painting process.

  • 3M Double Coated Polyethylene Foam Tape 9515W

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    3M Double Coated Polyethylene Foam Tape 9515W is a white double coated polyethylene foam tape with acrylic adhesive and white paper liner. 

  • 3M Hazard Marking Vinyl Tape 766 50 MM

    40,36 RON

    3M Hazard Marking Vinyl Tape 766 is a general purpose tape with vinyl backing. It can be used in various applications such as marking traffic routes in warehouses and production halls, marking exits and access roads, etc.

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    Combinezon de protectie Alb/Albastru 3M 4540+ GT700001164

    80,72 RON

    Combinezonul de protectie Alb/Albastru 3M 4540+ este o bariera excelenta impotriva particulelor uscate si (in anumite cazuri) a stropirii limitate cu substante chimice lichide (CE Clasele 5 si 6). Echipamentul este fabricat dintr-un material microporos in mai multe straturi, cu grad redus de scamosare, este moale si usor si beneficiaza de tratament antistatic.

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  • 3M Double Coated Tape 93020LE

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    3M Double Coated Tape 93020LE is a transparent double-sided adhesive tape with good adhesion on a wide range of surfaces, including those with a low energy surface such as plastic and polyethylene. Due to the acrylic adhesive, the tape sticks well on surfaces contaminated with oil.

  • 3M Banda de marcare 767 Red/White 50 MM

    40,36 RON

    3M Hazard Marking Vinyl Tape 767 Red/White is a general purpose marking tape with vinyl support. The tape adheres instantly and can be used in various applications such as marking traffic routes in warehouses and production halls, marking exits and access roads, etc.

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    3M VHB Tape Universal Primer UV, 236 ML (1 cutie)

    213,32 RON

    3M VHB Tape Universal Primer UV, 236 ml facilitates adhesion to mixtures of polypropylene, ABS, PET and other materials difficult to glue. Fast drying speed increases yield.